Life Coaching with Sara

Get individualized personal support and guidance to help you reach your goals and live from your heart.

Life Coaching

Life coaching is a dynamic relationship and process designed to empower
you to actualize your dreams, fulfill your desires, and achieve your goals.
Unlike traditional therapy that delves into your past to understand your
present, coaching focuses on shaping your future self and providing the
guidance, support, and accountability needed to get you to living the life
your heart wants, as your authentic self.

If you are:
- Feeling stuck and in need of a positive shift
- Looking for help changing habitual patterns
- Needing support and guidance moving through transitions
- Wanting assistance finding clarity around a specific situation or
your goals in general
- Desiring to improve your relationship with yourself
- Seeking to increase your spiritual connection
Life coaching might be the right path for you

Life Coach Sara Rossio works in an intuitive yet organized way to help you
break out of habitual patterns and ways of thinking to find and create a
life that feels fully aligned with who you are and what you want. Whether
you’ve got a simple problem you just need to get some guidance around
or you are ready for a longer journey with more comprehensive or deeper
changes, Sara is ready to help.

Sara Rossio


The Well House

22 West Road, Suite 100
Towson, MD


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