Interdimensional Energy Healing

Clearing your energetic body for maximum vitality

Energy Healing

Much like our physical bodies, we all have an energetic body. Due to current and past-life experiences,
we can get blocks which prevent the energy from flowing smoothly. These blocks can affect all parts of
our lives, including our physical and mental health. Energy healing is a therapy that helps to clear and
heal those blocks so that we can thrive as our wildly creative selves, living in alignment and joy.
Energy healing honors the natural wisdom of your highest self, triggering its inherent mechanisms to
balance and heal itself. As your field is cleared, many things in your life may shift as you access greater
clarity and begin to return to who you are at a soul level. You may notice that energy healing affects
your physical body, alleviating physical pain, mitigating anxiety and depression, enhancing emotional
regulation, and even addressing sleep disturbances such as insomnia – and more!
Sessions are conducted while you're fully clothed, either lying down or seated, and the therapy itself is
light or no touch. The room will be quiet and cozy, and the session may incorporate the use of crystals as
needed. Your experience will vary during the session itself. You may feel the energy flowing, as warmth,
tingling, vibrations – or you may feel no physical sensations at all. Sometimes folks fall asleep, some
report experiencing visits from guides or loved ones in spirit, some folks experience emotional release.
Every treatment is individualized, and is often different from session to session.

Sara Rossio


The Well House

22 West Road, Suite 100
Towson, MD


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